
Strip and Seal Floor Restoration

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Strip and Seal Floor Restoration
Strip and Seal Floor Restoration
Strip and Seal Floor Restoration
Strip and Seal Floor Restoration


Floors Strip and Seal – Floor Restoration

Stripping and sealing floors is a process commonly used to maintain and enhance the appearance of various types of flooring, such as vinyl, linoleum, and certain types of stone or tile floors. The process involves removing old layers of finish or wax, cleaning the surface, and then applying a new sealer or finish to protect and beautify the floor.


Service Overview

  • Clear the Area: Remove furniture and obstacles from the area you’re working on.
  • Dust and Sweep: Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove loose dirt and dust.
  • Apply Floor Stripper: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the floor stripper. Typically, you’ll dilute the stripper with water and apply it to the floor.
  • Let Stripper Sit: Allow the stripper to sit on the floor for the recommended dwell time. This allows it to break down the old finish.
  • Scrub the Floor: Use a floor scrubber or buffer with an appropriate pad or brush to agitate the stripper and remove the old finish.
  • Vacuum or Mop: Use a wet vacuum or mop to remove the dissolved finish and stripper. Rinse or change the water as needed.
  • Neutralise the Floor: If the stripper requires neutralization, follow up with a neutralizing solution to balance the pH of the floor. This step is crucial to ensure proper adhesion of the new finish.
  • Let the Floor Dry: Allow the floor to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.
  • Apply Sealer/Finish: Apply the floor sealer or finish according to the product instructions.
    Use a clean mop or applicator for an even application.
  • Allow Drying Time: Let the sealer/finish dry completely between coats and before allowing foot traffic.
  • Apply Additional Coats (Optional): Depending on the product and desired level of protection, you may apply additional coats.

Benefits of Floor Strip and Seal

  • Removes old, worn-out layers of finish, dirt, and grime, restoring the original appearance of the flooring. This process can revive dull or discolored floors.
  • Application of a new sealer or finish enhances the overall look of the floor by adding a fresh and glossy appearance. This is particularly important for commercial spaces where the aesthetics of the environment matter.
  • The new sealer or finish provides a protective layer that guards the flooring against scratches, scuffs, and general wear and tear. This helps extend the life of the floor.
  • Sealed floors are generally easier to clean and maintain. The smooth, sealed surface makes it more resistant to dirt and stains, simplifying routine cleaning tasks.
  • Stripping and sealing eliminate accumulated dirt and bacteria, contributing to a cleaner and more hygienic environment. This is especially crucial in healthcare facilities, kitchens, and other areas where cleanliness is a priority.
  • The sealing process can fill in micro-scratches and imperfections, resulting in a smoother surface. This not only enhances the appearance but also makes it more comfortable to walk on.
  • Regular stripping and sealing can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to allowing the floor finish to deteriorate completely. It helps prevent the need for more extensive restoration or replacement.
  • In commercial settings, maintaining a clean and well-maintained floor is essential for compliance with safety standards. Sealed floors can contribute to slip resistance and a safer environment.
  • The floor strip and seal process is applicable to various types of flooring, including vinyl, linoleum, and certain types of tile and stone floors. This versatility makes it a widely used method for floor maintenance.

Have You Any Question?

You can call us on 0404 33 44 11 or go to Contact Page and drop us a message, and we will schedule a visit to meet you on site and discus service requirements and intervals.

We offer variety of specialised cleaning services (only to our clients) like Windows Cleaning, Carpet & Furniture Steam Clean, Floors Strip & seal, Floors Scrubbing, High Pressure Cleaning, Parking Lot Sweep and More.

Our clients will be provided with Emergency Number that is 24/7 to attend any incidents like flooding, storm damage, blockages or any type of hazard incidents .

We hand pick our staff and go through all the required security and safety checks before we take them on board. Our staff go through on going training about cleaning methods, specific chemical using and introduced to the safety material data sheets to each chemical. We only provide professional, reliable, honest individuals that you can trust not just to do the job but to exceed your expectation.

We inspect our sites once per week, or as agreed with client to make sure that maximum standards are met and to get feedback from our clients.

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Ready to experience the difference a clean office can make? Contact Office Hygiene for a customised quote and let us handle the cleanliness while you focus on success.

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